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Staten Island Special Reports Series on Staten Buzz NYC
September 2024 / Staten Island Special Reports Series NYC / Staten Island Neighborhoods / Staten Buzz NYC.
This section is dedicated to the Special Reports Series section on Staten Island NYC.
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These reports series aren't published in any particular order at present, as there are only about a half dozen of them at this time. The Special Report Series include the following: 1) CoVid Pandemic in NYC, 2) the Queens Library Controversy starring Melinda Katz and Scott Stringer with citing of Brooklyn, 3) Sunnyside Yard & Real Estate Development in Queens & Manhattan & the Bronx, 4) the Steinway Mansion & Piano Company in Queens & Manhattan, 5) Flushing Meadows Corona Park History & Real Estate Development in Queens & Brooklyn, 6) Rupert Murdoch of Fox News & the Rise of the 21st Century Propaganda Press in the USA & World, 7) TBD / COMING - the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and 8) TBD / COMING - Is The City of Yes a Zoning Mess?
The Staten Buzz website provides visitors with current news and a history of what has happened in Staten Island neighborhoods, generally based on events, issues, locales and sometimes personages. Use the BOOKMARK button at the top of your browser window, to facilitate your weekly visit to find out what's happening on Staten Island NYC.
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CLICK here to view our Staten Island Special Reports Series NYC section.
City of Yes - Massive Zoning Changes in the Works
This is the first report we did on the City of Yes, Zoning Changes, Part II.
I. The City of Yes Voting Tonight in Sunnyside Queens
The Most Sweeping Zoning Law Changes in a Half Century are Underway.
Why is the Media MIA?
February 21, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Real Estate & Business / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
There's a vote tonight on the City of Yes zoning law changes beginning at 6 pm at 43-22 50th Street in Sunnyside Queens.
The City of Yes zoning law changes are the most sweeping changes to zoning laws in NYC in over a half century. I've not yet had a chance to thoroughly study them, but a cursory review indicates that one of the main tenets of the proposal is a significant rollback of local control in favor of real estate development. The Mayor's argument for this rollback is that it will enable developers to create more housing and enable more integration in neighborhoods.
COPY & PASTE this url into your browser to go to the website of Alicia Boyd of Brooklyn, who is a non-profit activist who's analyzed and been monitoring the 1,500 page City of Yes proposal - https://mtopp.org/index.php/2024/02/05/wake-up-do-you-know-whats-about-to-happen-to-your-new-york/
You'd think that such a major overhaul would be covered by the mainstream media. But they act unaware, just don't care, or they don't dare cover the issue because it doesn't generate the ratings that regurgitations of sensationalist accident and crime videos do.
We'll have more on this in the coming week, as a vote in the City Council is estimated by some to come as early as March.
II. Click here to read our second report on the City of Yes Zoning Overhaul. March 6, 2024.
III. Click here to read our third report on the City of Yes Zoning Changes. April 2, 2024.

Flushing Meadows Corona Park History & Development
Exclusive Coverage Of Flushing Meadows Corona Park
Special Section Dedicated To Our Coverage Of Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Stories about the history of Flushing Meadows Corona Park and stories of developers trying to develop it and privatize it.
Flushing Meadows Corona Park Real Estate Development
Flushing Meadows Corona Park Real Estate Development - Section on Gotham Buzz.
We have more to add to this section on Queens Buzz & Gotham Buzz, most of which you should be able to find in the Real Estate section on either site or using the search function in the upper left corner on each site.
This is an ongoing story as of 4/11/24.
Sunnyside Yards History NYC: History of Trains & Railroad Yards in NYC & Real Estate Development
Real Estate Development: Sunnyside Yards History & NYC Railroad History - Special Report Series
There's Been Talk of Developing the Real Estate of Sunnyside Yards NYC
Updated March 2017 / NYC History & Neighborhoods / Sunnyside Yards & NYC Railroad History / Gotham Buzz NYC.
The following is a series of reports we have run and continue to evolve to provide background and context for the residents and voters of Sunnyside, Long Island City, Astoria, Queens, and perhaps NYC, to use to evaluate the respective pros and cons of public policy with regard to the future development of Sunnyside Yards.
The first report is a brief history of Sunnyside Yards, most of which we picked up in a book presentation by historian / author Dave Morrison at the Greater Astoria Historical Society.
The second report provides a summary overview of the development of Queens in the 19th and 20th centuries. Showing how the development of transportation affected real estate development in Queens.
The third report takes a deeper dive into the 20th century development, exploring the same line of thought with regard to the interwoven importance of transportation and real estate development.
The fourth report is expected in late April, which will show the 20th century history of development - the specifics of which will be arriving shortly.
CLICK here to read our report series on Sunnyside Yard and the history of railroads in NYC.
Rupert Murdoch & the Rise of the Propaganda Press: Fox News Propaganda Machine NY Post Fake News
fox propaganda fox news propaganda fox fake news biased reporting murdoch & rise of propaganda press ny post wsj fox news fake news propaganda
K. Rupert Murdoch & the Rise of the Propaganda Press
This Section is Dedicated to Preserving One Man One Vote Democracies by Exposing What Appears to be Murdoch's Life's Work in Propaganda
Updated December 26, 2017 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
In the Spring of 2016, while watching the Bernie Sanders campaign unfold, I noticed that the 'mainstream media' was showing what seemed to be tangible bias in favor of Hillary Clinton. This prompted my first story about the Bernie Sanders campaign & phenomenon, and made me aware of how the mainstream media appeared to treat him unfairly.
After the New York Primary, I noticed a relentless onslaught of attacks by Rupert Murdoch's NY Post on Mayor de Blasio. The attacks were based on allegations and innuendo, and sometimes included as many as five attack stories per day. Their relentless attacks based on allegations and innuendo outraged my sense of decency and fair play, so I began a study of the NY Post reporting bias which resulted in the second story of this series.
While doing the de Blasio / NY Post story, I couldn't help but notice a wide ranging pattern of what appeared to be a rampant abuse of First Amendment power by Keith Rupert Murdoch and his organization, including breaking laws, invading people's privacy, and bribing public officials. While these activities were uncovered in Britain, it's not a stretch to think that given the same man, Murdoch, is controlling the Newscorp & 21st Century Fox global media empire, that these same sorts of nefarious activities might be going on here as well. In fact, people responsible for management oversight of the tainted operations were subsequently given high ranking positions in this country.
As the Republican and Democratic Conventions of 2016 approached, I decided that the time period surrounding the political party conventions, up through the general election in November, would provide me with a good case study period to evaluate whether and how Murdoch's Fox News, NY Post and other assorted media properties, including the Wall Street Journal and the National Geographic, might be used as propaganda outlets.
In doing the context research, I found America's and Britain's media laws had been rewritten and loosened over time. In numerous cases I noticed that Keith Rupert Murdoch, all too often appeared to be in close proximity to the politicians changing those laws - almost always having supported them with his media properties - and at least in one case - even making personally direct donations to their campaigns.
I dug a bit further and found that there are few 'real' media laws of the books in Australia, where Murdoch is no longer a citizen. In spite of his status as a foreigner he reportedly owns 64% of that nation's daily newspapers and has a controlling interest in the nation's satellite TV system. I did some cursory research and it's not a stretch to think that Murdoch may have gotten his start influencing the re-writing of a nation's media laws there.
I also found what appeared to be a striking pattern of Murdoch manipulations and moves that seemed to come straight out of the political and propaganda playbook written by two of the earliest, most successful, and most evil practitioners of modern mass market propaganda - Adolph Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.
Hitler and Goebbels came to my attention because I found that I really could not even begin to understand modern propagandist techniques without studying Hitler and Goebbels in Germany in the 1930's. Hitler's skillful use of propaganda appears to have hastened his ascent to power, and enabled him to keep his grip on it. These two men are the fathers of modern propaganda, and it appears that Keith Rupert Murdoch has adopted and updated their propagandist techniques to serve his own interests.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So please read on.
Or click here to continue on with this story about Keith Rupert Murdoch & the rise of the propaganda press / media madness/ corrupt Fox News / NY Post.
Queens Library Corruption Scandal: Starring Mortimer Zuckerman's NY Daily News, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer & Queens President Melinda Katz?
nyc libraries nyc public libraries queens library thomas galante scandal corruption queens library nyc
Queens Library: Controversy & Takeover
Queens Boro President Katz's Controversial Queens Library 'Reform Bill' & NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer's Lawsuit Against the Award Winning Queens Library Resulted in Taxpayers Paying Million$? for What?

This section is dedicated to an important and evolving story happening within the borough of Queens regarding a change to the governance of the Queens Public Library system. Government officials with the help of the NY Daily News appeared to wrest away control of the library from the quasi-independent board of trustees set up by Andrew Carnegie in the early 20th century. Andrew Carnegie donated the funds to build public libraries in New York City and throughout the U.S. and the independent board structure was meant to keep the libraries independent of government control.
The graphic at right was created by Sunnyside artist and jazz drummer Paul Maringelli.
Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer in tandem with the NY Daily News relentlessly attacked the award winning Queens Library President Thomas Galante and the Queens Library Board using allegations and innuendo in what appeared to be a publicity hanging. Queens Borough President Melinda Katz then pushed through legislation changing the Queens Library charter, which wrested control away from the independent board, and gave it to her and the Mayor. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill into law with the near unanimous vote from both NYS legislative bodies.
It appears it was a power grab by Katz with Stringer's help, as the allegations did not result in any court actions and the Queens Library subsequently suffered a multi-million dollar lawsuit loss [we heard but could not confirm that it cost $7 million] regarding the Queens Library President's termination [settled out of court - probably so it wouldn't be scrutinized by the public or the press]. Most of the other local press was guilty of following the NY Daily News narrative which appeared to be guided by the then Publisher, billionaire and real estate developer Mortimer Zuckerman. We carved out our own narrative as what the NY Daily News was reporting didn't seem to be supported by what we knew about the Queens Library and its award winning president.
Click here to read our coverage of the Queens Library corruption scandal starring NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz & Mortimer Zuckerman's NY Daily News or click here for Queens Public Library program and other announcements at the Queens Public Library website.
Steinway Section: Steinway & Sons Piano Company Factory History NYC
Steinway & Sons Piano Company History & Legacy
Exclusive Coverage Of The Steinways, Factory, Mansion, History & Legacy
Special Section Dedicated To Our Coverage Of The Steinway Mansion In Astoria.
Exclusive Coverage Of The Steinway Mansion Sale
Updated April 2017 / March 8, 2014 / NYC Neighborhoods & History NYC / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Queens Buzz didn't expect to become so engrossed in one issue so soon in its development. But the sale of the Steinway Mansion represents the preservation of perhaps the most important remaining remnant of 19th century Queens, and is attached to the legacy of a family that was influential in shaping the borough of Queens.
The more we dig, the more we find, so stay tuned as this section will likely double in size sometime in 2011. And in following the stories we write, you'll obtain greater insight into Queens history, the Steinway & Sons legacy and the emergence of the borough of Queens to become the largest borough in New York City. These stories are presented chronologically, starting with the most recent posting.
Steinway Mansion Contents Auctioned
Will The Historic Site In Astoria Be Next?
April 23, 2011 / NYC Neighborhoods & History NYC / Gotham Buzz NYC.
I attended the Steinway Mansion contents auction on Saturday, March 27th, down at Capo Auction on Queens Blvd in Long Island City. It was the first of two auctions wherein the contents of the Steinway Mansion, collected over a lifetime by Michael Halberian, were to be auctioned off. The second auction is Saturday, April 30th starting at 11 am and going well into the afternoon.
On March 27th there were over 600 items auctioned, where bidding started in the hundreds to thousands of dollars. In addition to the hundred or so buyers who appeared at the auction house, bids were also taken over the internet.
The photo to your right is of the Indian statue that once stood on the grounds of the Steinway Mansion, with the bidders shown through the doors while the auction was in session in March.
CLICK here to view our Special Series on the Steinway & Sons Piano Company & Mansion.
Staten Buzz Special Reports Series NYC
Staten Island Special Reports Series on Staten Buzz NYC
September 2024 / Staten Island Special Reports Series NYC / Staten Island Neighborhoods / Staten Buzz NYC.
This section is dedicated to the Special Reports Series section on Staten Island NYC.
How to Make the Most of This Section
The reports at the top of the page will reflect the most recent - OR MOST RELEVANT - which sometimes are reports we did a while ago, that continue to have particular relevance / resonance for the current period. Below that are archived reports which we will rotate, again based on their relevancy. Please be patient as it may take a while for us to get this working the way we want. But be assured, we'll do our best to eventually get there.
CLICK here to view our Staten Island Special Reports Series NYC section.
CoVid Pandemic in NYC: 2020 - 2023
CLICK here to view our report series on the CoVid Pandemic in NYC: 2020 - 2023.